External Polymorhphism

We’ve all seen how polymorphism works from introductory object orient programming courses and it has worked reasonably well!
However, in the real all-encompassing software world, this basic implementation may not be enough.

Let’s take a look at the classical solution first before diving into deficiencies and External Polymorphism design pattern.

Polymorphism with Inheritance

struct Animal {
  virtual std::string noise() = 0;

struct Cow : Animal {
  std::string noise() override { return "moo"; }

struct Dog : Animal {
  std::string noise() override { return "bork"; }

struct Cat : Animal {
  std::string noise() override { return "meow"; }

void main() {
    // Polymorphism allows us to interact with classes with a shared interface uniformly
    vector<unique_ptr<Animal>> animals;
    animals.emplace_back(new Cow);
    animals.emplace_back(new Dog);
    animals.emplace_back(new Cat);

    // Prints out:
    // moo
    // bork
    // meow
    for(const auto& animal : animals){
        cout << animal->noise() << endl;

The above solution works, but may hit the following issues:

  • Certain animals may be implemented by a third-party such that we can not modify the source code.
    In this case, we are unable to have these external classes extend our virtual class Animal.
  • In some cases, we do not desire or can not modify storage layout by adding virtual methods.

A New Approach

Let’s take a look at what the external polymorphism approach would look like.

// We have the same set of animals as before.
// This time these animals do not inherit from the `Animal` interface.
struct Cow {
    string noise() { return "moo"; }

struct Cat {
    string noise() { return "meow"; }

struct Dog {
    string noise() { return "bork"; }

// The `Animal` interface will be the abstraction that external users will interact with.
// This interface will be used built on top of the classes we have defined above.
struct Animal {
  virtual string noise() = 0;

// Helper method for producing the noise for each animal class that simply defers 
// to the base `noise` method. Refer to usage in `AnimalAdapter` for details.
template<typename T>
string make_noise(const T* animal){
    return animal->noise();

// `AnimalAdapter` is the actual class inheriting from the `Animal` interface.
// For each class `T` that we conceptually consider an animal, 
// we have in instantiation of the template: `AnimalAdapter<T>`
template<typename T>
struct AnimalAdapter : public Animal {
    AnimalAdapter(T* animal) : animal_(animal) {}

    string noise() override {
        return make_noise<T>(animal_);

    T* animal_;

void main() {
    auto animal1 = Cow{};
    auto animal2 = Dog{};
    auto animal3 = Cat{};

    vector<unique_ptr<Animal>> animals;

    // As with the polymorphism with inheritance example, we interact with the 
    // different animals uniformly.
    // Prints out:
    // moo
    // bork
    // meow
    for(const auto& animal : animals){
        cout << animal.noise() << endl;

The above code sample details the boiler plate to utilize External Polymorphism.
As before, we have three animal classes. Instead of having them derive from the Animal interface, we wrap each of them into adapters that do inherit from the desired public interface: AnimalAdapter<Cow>, AnimalAdatper<Dog>, and AnimalAdapter<Cat>.

The AnimalAdapter::noise() method defers to the make_noise method in the global namespace. The templatizied makes_noise method defers to each individual animal’s noise() method.

All together, we are able to still leverage polymorphism without having the base classes inherit from a common base class.

The Power of Indirection

The addition of the stand-alone make_noise class seems excessive. If all the target animal classes have a public noise() method, we can embed it into AnimalAdapter instead:

// Alternate AnimalAdapter defitnition
template<typename T>
struct AnimalAdapter : public Animal {
    AnimalAdapter(T* animal) : animal_(animal) {}

    string noise() override {
        // Just call `noise()` method directly without the indirection with `make_noise`
        return animal_->noise();

    T* animal_;

However, this indirection in the original definition of AnimalAdapter affords us more flexibility with alternate implementations and wrapping non-conforming classes. This is especially useful if the class in question in provided by a third-party.

// We can specialize the make_noise method for `Dog` to differ than the default implementation.
string make_noise(const Dog* d){
    return d->noise() + ' ' + d->noise();

// We have a class that does not conform to having a public `noise` method
struct Human {
    string name();

// In this case, we manually define the `make_noise` method.
string make_noise(const Human* h){
    return "Hi, my name is " + h->name();


  1. External Polymorphism - An Object Structural Pattern for Transparently Extending C++ Concrete Data Types